Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shit New Yorkers Say

In yet another spin-off on the Shit Girls Say meme, today I discovered Shit New Yorkers Say, which had me partly in hysterics, and partly making mental lists about things I should start saying if I want to be a real New Yorker. I've got the "where is the train?" down pat, now I'm working on the "there's Sarah Jessica Parker... oh who cares." Hilarious. Bagels!


  1. Thanks for posting Geneve Girl. Made me a bit homesick (sniff...) I'm actually a Queens girl myself. But I just arrived in Hong Kong to live for 3 months, maybe longer. Talk about crazy energy! This is the closest to NYC I've ever experienced. I suspect the Hong Kongers are saying similar shit, but I don't understand it yet ;-)

    I'll miss you on Expatica. Enjoy my hometown :-)

    1. Hey Lynelle, great to hear from you! I didn't realise you were from Queens! I'm loving this city... And how exciting about the HK move, I'm sure it's going to be an amazing experience - what a total change from Switzerland! I hope you enjoy it, there seems to be a great expat scene there so I'm sure there is much fun to be had! Take care x
